Magdalenas saladas de quinoa / Savoury quinoa muffins (Virtual Vegan Potluck)

El Virtual Vegan Potluck es un evento que Annie, del blog An Unrefined Vegan, tuvo la gran idea de organizar y que se aloja en Vegan Bloggers Unite. Se trata de una comida virtual entre blogueros-as de todo el mundo en la que cada uno-a compartimos una receta vegana. Además, cada receta de cada blog enlaza con la anterior y la posterior de la lista de participantes, creando así un círculo en la red con todos los platos. Yo participo en la categoría de panes, entre Annie (An Unrefined Vegan) y Shira (In Pursuit Of More). ¡Espero que os guste!
The Virtual Vegan Potluck is an event that Annie, from the blog An Unrefined Vegan, had the great idea to organize and that it’s hosted at Vegan Bloggers Unite. It’s a virtual potluck among worlwide bloggers in which each of us share a vegan recipe. Besides, each recipe from each blog is connected with the previous and next ones of the participants list, creating an online circle with all the dishes. I participate in the bread category, between Annie (An Unrefined Vegan) and Shira (In Pursuit Of More). I hope you enjoy it!
200 gramos harina de quinoa
1 cucharadita levadura en polvo
1 cucharadita bicarbonato
1 cucharada orégano
300 mililitros agua
1 cucharada aceite de oliva virgen extra
6 medios tomates secos
6 aceitunas negras
Mezclar en un bol los ingredientes secos (harina de quinoa [puede ser harina comprada o quinoa molida en casa, yo la molí], levadura, bicarbonato y orégano). Añadir los ingredientes líquidos (aceite y agua) y los tomates y las aceitunas picados. Llenar 10 moldes de silicona para magdalenas, y hornear a 190º C durante 20 minutos. Desmoldar y dejar enfriar sobre una rejilla.
200 grams quinoa flour
1 teaspoon yeast powder
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 tablespoon oregano
300 mililitres water
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
6 sun dried tomato halves
6 black olives
In a bowl mix the dry ingredientes (quinoa flour [bought or ground at home, I did it myself at home], yeast, baking powder and oregano). Add the liquid ingredientes (oil and water) and chopped sundried tomatoes and olives. Fill ten muffin silicone molds, and bake at 190º C for 20 minutes. Remove them from the molds and let them cool on a grille.

Esta entrada fue publicada en 08. Cereales y etiquetada . Guarda el enlace permanente.

40 respuestas a Magdalenas saladas de quinoa / Savoury quinoa muffins (Virtual Vegan Potluck)

  1. Somer dijo:

    Those look amazing!!!

  2. Pingback: Recipe: Caramelized Onion, Rosemary & Olive Focaccia – Virtual Vegan Potluck Edition | in pursuit of more

  3. Shira dijo:

    These look awesome! 🙂 Happy Potlucking!

  4. bar dijo:

    En español! Excelente! Se ve delicioso.

  5. Me gusta for sure! You gave me a scare – so glad to see you here in the Potluck! And now for your recipe for gorgeous muffins…

    • Nihacc dijo:

      Thank you very much, Annie!! For organizing this Potluck, and for your patience 🙂 (so sorry for being late, I sent you an email) ¡Gracias! 😉

  6. Pingback: Virtual Vegan Potluck: Sage & Rosemary Dinner Rolls with Roasted Garlic Coconut Butter « anunrefinedvegan

  7. Looks so tasty and good – I love quinoa, so this is a must try recipe! Thank you for sharing!

  8. I knew you would bring something beautiful and delicious. Me encanta este!

  9. Food Stories dijo:

    Just making my way through the virtual vegan potluck and wanted to say hello 🙂

  10. Looks great and I love the duo languages. Thank you for the link back to VBU. I would love to host one of your posts if you’d like. Let me know. Thanks! Lidia

  11. I didn’t know you could ground quinoa into flour. Very good to know as it is one less ingredient cluttering up the kitchen. These look so yummy too!

  12. Thanks for sharing! I love quinoa. 🙂

  13. toxicvegan dijo:

    Oh how lovely to see you here – I love your blog posts and this is fab as always 🙂

  14. Me gusta, indeed! Yummy! 🙂

  15. We are planning to grow our own quinoa next year and will keep this recipe in mind, thank you so much! 🙂

  16. Wow! I’m so excited we had a multi-lingual VVP participant! I was scared for a second that I’d miss the recipe, but thanks for including the translation! I’m bookmarking it. 🙂

  17. Wow! I have recently gone gluten free AND wheat free (in addition to going vegan), so I am really missing muffins. These savory darlings look delicious! I’ve bookmarked this recipe to try TOMORROW! After a host of failures with vegan baking . . . Thank you, thank you, thank you.

    • Nihacc dijo:

      I love to try gluten free recipes, because there so many other ingredientes apart from the ones with gluten, and many times I discover great things! These muffins are very tasty, so I think you will like them. You’re welcome! 🙂

  18. These look lovely! I love baked quinoa in anything.

  19. Ana dijo:

    Vaya receta màs chula! Me sobraba leche de soja de otra receta y queria hacer un bizcocho-pan sin aceite, ni huevos; asi que apliqué tu receta con 200 g harina de sarraceno integral, 350 ml leche de soja y 6 ciruelas secas. Vaya desayunos màs ricos y sanos que me estoy dando!!

  20. I was looking for a candidate to be my first «quinoa» recipe, and so it seems that I’ve found it! 🙂 Thanks a lot for sharing!

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